Day 3 was a technical session. The technical aspects of environmental Management were taught. Sessions on 'Climate Change' and 'Water as a resource' were taken. Ms. Sonal Khare presented the statistical facts about the Green House Gases(GHGs). Again a shocking fact came into fore as to it is not the CO2 but the other industrial gases like CH4, SFC etc are the major pollutants. Quite an interactive session it was, we all shared our experiences and ideas. There were many civil engineers as participants, their ideas about green buildings were quite innovative. Little adjustments in the construction can make buildings green and a lot of resources can be saved.
Things like contribution of GDP in the development of nation and the Happiness Index used by Bhutan were the topic of debate.
The next session was on 'Water a commodity or a natural resource?' taken by Ms.Rajita kurup. The categorization of water as Blue-Grey-Black and the conservation was quite interesting to know and the misuse of water in terms of 'virtual water' i.e. indirect use of water. To make 1 litre of petrol approximately 88 litre of water is used, These facts are alarming, but not much has been done to address the problem.
Things that I learnt from the session:
MP has the highest cattle population and thus the emission of Methane.
CDM- Clean Development Mechanism
UNFCCC- convention on climate change.
NAPCC-National Action Plan on Climate Change
The State Action Plan on Climate Change(SAPCC) of MP is prepared by the EPCO team of Climate Change cell with the immense contribution of many experts and representatives of departments, Mr. Lokendra Thakkar being instrumental in the process.
Then there was regular submission of assignment and Valedictory session. Each participant was involved in the certificate distribution in terms of presenting it to another.
I wrote a poem on the last day:
Workshop बहुत छोटी थी
पर अनुभव बड़े थे!
Workshop बहुत छोटी थी
पर वाद-विवाद बड़े थे !
Workshop बहुत छोटी थी
विचार बहुत बड़े थे !
गाँव बहुत छोटा था
पर कूड़े कई पड़े थे !
गाँव बहुत छोटा था
पर समस्याएँ कई बड़ी थीं
दिल बहुत छोटा था
जगहें बड़ी बड़ी थीं !!
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