Crime Patrol, jurm ki dastak is gaining popularity among the audience nowadays. The program is based on the real life cases of loot, murder and other crimes. Every episode gives a message about an issue like child abuse, domestic violence, kidnapping or love affairs as the basis of crime.
In a recent episode, a case of Bhopal army cantonment, Bairagarh has been aired.
A senior army official shot an adolescent (a boy of 11 yrs of age) to punish him for stealing almonds that fall from a tree which was in the army campus. An educated and respected figure in the society, a personnel of the country’s highly responsible and revered wing-the army, acted in such an irresponsible rather horrible manner. When you hear the word; 'an army officer', suddenly a feeling of respect, a sense of dependency comes to your mind. Someone whom we consider as our ‘life guard’ but what happens when a life guard takes away a life of an innocent young boy who had the least idea of picking up the fallen almonds is stealing, crossing the boundary is indiscipline and a crime for which there is no complaint, no warrant, no judge......just the punishment, the punishment to lose life.
Switch to another case where an illiterate auto driver brutally stabbed his wife and a three year old daughter to death just because he was angry that the food that his wife prepared was not of his choice.
Both the cases show an extreme level of inhumanity, taking someone’s life for granted, but again the question that arises is do we associate human quotient with literacy? Who scores high on HQ, a literate or an illiterate, a civilized and highly respected citizen or a slum dweller without an identity of his own? Is it a natural instinct? or an instant reaction? Can you say that the army official had a low HQ for his entire life or was it just an instant reaction? Should we forget all the good deeds that he did throughout his life which includes saving the life of others or should we remember the only cruel act of killing an innocent boy? Or should we consider the regret, the guilt he had after this act?
In case of that laborer should we blame the poverty?, the frustration of living a miserable life to be root cause of low human quotient?, or should we say that the importance of life for him has never been so important as he doesn’t had a normal life of going to school, getting employed and loved? Or should we blame the society where there is distinction between the life of a rich and a poor, where rich have an access to every happiness and poor try too hard to make both the ends meet and that man became so frustrated not to have a proper meal for which he worked hard for the whole day?
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