Saturday 19 March 2011


Few days back I read a news piece about an area somewhere near Guna. It was an accident on the Guna highway. A lady in her 60s while crossing the road was hit by some vehicle in the early hours around 11 and was dead on the spot. The body was continuously crushed under several vehicles all through the day. In the evening the police came to know about the case but to their surprise, they were not able to make out even the gender of the body as there were innumerable pieces of the flesh around.
Later, investigating the area they found torn pieces of cloth and anklets which were recognized by the relatives as they filed a complaint of the lady as missing.
This incidence led to a mutiny in my mind which compelled me to raise this debate as to ‘is the human quotient that low of the people who passed by the road and kept crushing the body?’
From a ‘nomadic life’ to the ‘civilized life’ and the high-tech life of today, intelligence quotient has always played a prominent role. The most intelligent person is the person who scores closest to 100 on an IQ quotient but what about the ‘Human quotient?’
Is there a measure of being human? Can you quantify yourself on the human grounds? Scientifically I may not know as to what all are the attributes that will count for a person to behave like a human being. But one thing is for sure if the incident of such measure occurs then certainly we have the lowest human quotient.
There should be a human quotient where being human can be quantified. The quality of being ‘humane’, the psychological and social qualities that characterize humankind, especially in contrast with other living things accounts for being human. On theoretical grounds research scholars may put forth the attributes like empathy, aggressiveness, love, hatred et al. There are many cases to refer in this context; a man killed his wife and made 70 pieces out of her body and kept it in the refrigerator. 5 months later when the brother came and found the pieces of flesh in the refrigerator it was confessed by the man that he killed the wife himself. Even small acts of cruelness like domestic violence, corporal punishment are an inhuman approach.

Thursday 10 March 2011


MS-Word provides a very important feature to save a document that is fully compatible with previous versions of Word-97-2003. You can save the document in a Template, Macro enabled Template, pdf et al. The feature has been given in order to make it easier for the users who still have the older versions of the application to have the documents in the same format and convenient for all those who have upgraded for the newer version to exchange files.

Rubaai works in a centralized organization. There was a re-structuring in the organization and the sales teams were segregated. The Inbound sales team was headed by one of the top bosses and the outbound team by another but the Branch Head apart from being the head of the branch was responsible for the Outbound sales. Now within the center there was tough competition between the teams. Owing to the target pressures and cut throat competition among the members of the two teams, things started becoming bitter. Constant clashes resulting in heated conversations and complaints of favoritism from the Head led the matter to Top Bosses. After all the politics and drama, Riya the other member of the inbound team was fired against the charge of breaking a hierarchy etc.etc. The Top management decided to put one of the members from the outbound team into the Inbound team.
Now, Rubaai was in a fix, how she will work with the member of the opposite team as the girl she was to team now was a bitter enemy of hers.
But she kept her compatibility mode on and soon was working with the new girl, enjoyed the work as earlier and now she holds a senior position in the organization.
If you don’t send the files in the compatibility mode, those having the older versions cannot open it. Rubaai, in this case, if not shown the compatibility would have lost the job.  
Your compatibility with others in the organization not only helps in building a smooth work environment but also in moving up the corporate ladder. The same thing applies to your personal life, the more you are compatible with your siblings, relatives and other members in the family the more lasting relationships you enjoy. So keep your compatibility mode on.